Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category


Its Springtime…. garden anyone??…

Believe it or not, it is Spring!! Although its also riding time, I am a gardener at heart. Looking for some great ideas? Try Pinterest. Here is the first idea I put on my Pinterest page.. There are so many great ideas out there that you can spend hours reading and planning.
While you are at it, think about getting that bike in order. Here is a great article by the AMA that will certainly help…

Now that Spring has sprung, get out there and get busy because we have waited months to get here, dont waste any time!

Lady Godiva on wheels…. needing to get dirty!!


Happy Father’s Day? Really….

Today is Father’s Day and according to my husband who rarely drinks, my only duty is to make sure his glass of Tequila Sunrise is full. That also means that I should walk behind the ride-on lawnmower with a pitcher in my hand and wearing an outfit that would send the neighbors into shock! I took a deep breath and calmly gave him a choice…..he chose well and will live to see another Father’s Day. 
So, a few minutes ago I was doing yard work. Summer happened while I wasnt looking and the truth is that the most beautiful part of my property are the weeds that have flowered during the recent rain followed by sun! It’s a mess. But the good news is that weeds are easier to get when they are waist-high and you don’t have to bend down! I joke, but this is no laughing matter. Where do they all come from and although I have poisoned them, stomped them out, cut them down and cursed at them, they still come back. Resilient little suckers and can’t take a hint!
Well, here is how it went for me…. bend and pick, move over, bend and pick, repeat. I was bending and picking and bending and picking and “Hole in the ground?”. I only heard a slight buzzing sound before I ran. I considered jumping in the pool but remembered that I hadn’t put the summer chemicals in yet. I thought about grabbing the hose but opted for the sure thing and hit the back door to the house at full speed, shutting it behind me with a slam!! So much can run through your mind in a short amount of time when you think you have a swarm of angry Yellow Jackets on your tail.
Back in the house I was summoned to fill my husbands glass…. its better than the Yellow Jackets and he is a lot cuter. Maybe I will even cook him a steak for dinner!

Happy Father’s Day to all you wonderful guys out there. It only comes once a year so enjoy!

Lady Godiva on wheels… warmin up the grill and giving my husband a little kiss on his bald head!


Meeting Jason and Kelly….

It’s so funny to meet someone on Twitter and have a long running relationship with them… and then finally meet them! This isn’t the first Twitter buddy I have met and I have to say that I have been blessed with some great friendships that I can’t imagine loosing, ever! In fact, Andrea D’assis, designer of the Wrapter hair wrap and “chickthatrides” on Twitter, met me in Vegas for some fun.
Enter Jason hellcatcustoms on Twitter, Kelly fierypinkgirl on Twitter, and Fred smoothbiker on Twitter! Man did I have a good time and have found more great riding friends.
I just wanted to thank Jason and Kelly for all the good times had and for the great bike and bike show experience. You two are awesome!

Lady Godiva on wheels… lovin the bike and my old but new friends! Thanks Twitter!!

Next up…. all about the Las Vegas Bikefest and my new three wheeled beauty!


September 11, 2001…..

Let us never forget how vulnerable we are… Let us never forget that united we stand… Let us never forget those who serve… Let us never forget those who parished… Let us never forget! God bless us all, a nation on shaky ground in need of a Savior.

Lady Godiva… remembering. (very heavy sigh)
(photo via Got Geoint? and was not a webpage I could find to provide a link)


Read about the “NYC IMS after party” w

Read about the “NYC IMS after party” with @cshookup. And I am guna b there!! Wana come too? C how at..


Im all packed for NYC…International Mo

Im all packed for NYC…International Motorcycle Show, here I come.


In case anyone was wondering….

I sent Santa my wish list and I didn’t get what I asked for…

I think Santa has gone soft!! No Enertia Plus, no Empulse, no Brammo jacket! And I was good last year…..just wait until this year!!

Lady Godiva on wheels…… goin bad!!


More of my favorite things..books and games, always a crowd pleaser.

I love to get books and games for the people I love. You can individualize them all you want but, more than likely each one of them will serve several persons quite well. That’s the beauty of books and games and I have a couple to share with my readers…


The first is a book that I just love! It sparks the rider in all of us but, centers on the special strength and fluidity of a woman on the back of a machine..making it a part of her.  I’m rather fond of the author, as well. My friend, Christina Shook, is a mix of many people but, the photographer and artist are by far the most predominate. She has such an eye and the book not only shows her talent as a photographer but,  it also shows her strength in picking her subjects.  This book is a must have for anyone and everyone. Check out “Chicks on Bikes” and order a few for all the bikers in your life.

The second of my favorite things is a great new board game developed by a couple of

guys named David Veal and Steve Schader. The game called “American Throttle” was to create a fun experience for trivia players who happen to love motorcycling. They also made the game work for those who just love to tour the country, love rock n roll, love poker, like to hang around their friends and party. I don’t think you can go wrong with this one, regardless of gender or age, this is fun in a box. Since its new on the market, I guarantee that you wont find someone who already has one.


Now, one more idea… who doesn’t need a calendar? Seriously..from the mail carrier to the kids teachers, everyone needs a calendar. The one that has landed on my wish list this year is the one from BikeEXIF 2011  with thirteen of the world’s most beautiful custom motorcycles, from builders including Deus in Australia, Denmark’s Wrench monkees and Ritmo Sereno of Japan. Multilingual day and months in English, French, Italian, German and Japanese. If you don’t drool then you aren’t human!! You are going to want one or two of the bikes…you wont be able to help yourself! I’m still stuck in May.. Oh, my…

A magazine subscription is a gift that keeps giving all year! I have two that I truelyCurrent Issue
love and don’t like to live without. The first is Morotcycle Consumer News Magazine and I rely on it for the more technical stories about motorcycles and their riders. You can always count on them to let you know what recalls are happening and what new models are coming and going.  I find them to be extremely useful in my line of work and just love reading them.

IronWorks MagazineNow for my total entertainment… that would be my IronWorksMagazine. I get great intel from this magazine as well but, the pictures, the human interest stories, and perhaps the fact that Marilyn Elmore (chesshirecat on Twitter and Chessie’s Tales, Motorcycles and Rides ) is a contributing editor and one of my favorite people in the industry, makes it my personal favorite. I truly get giddy when I go out to the mailbox and find that magazine inside. My family knows that if they go out and find that magazine they are NOT to crack the cover before I do…it is simply not done in my house. LOL  I can be really scary when crossed. Check this one out if you want a magazine with a little bit of everything.

I have a new favorite in the magazine section that deserves mention. The Throttle

PhotobucketGals Magazine is a new one on the scene and if it continues the way its going, I want to write for them one day. True, it is a magazine that is done to appeal to women but, if the guys in your life can’t find something to love about this beautifully done magazine, then HE shouldnt touch it!! LOL  You really have to check them out and if you have a woman in your life that likes ALL things that go vrooom.. Throttle Gals Magazine is for her.  

So, there you have the bulk of my research for Christmas gifts for bikers. But, wait. There is one more little idea that I have come up with. I’m going to let my fingers rest for a couple of days and then I will be back… Please hold!!

Lady Godiva on wheels… with one more trick up my sleeve!


HD’s Second Annual ‘Military Appreciation Month’? Southside Kustoms does that everyday!!

Motor Sports Newswire did a story on the Harley Davidson 2nd annual “Military Appreciation Month” and that left me compelled to tell my readers that Southside Kustoms in Buffalo, New York, does that everyday. In fact, they extend that to firefighters, EMTs, and the police that keep the population safe and often put their lives on the line, just like our military. Jason McCudden, owner of SSK, offers discounts all year-long;

With that said, enjoy your Veterans day and remember to shake the hand of a Vet you know, visit a memorial, or take a minute to visit one of the many Veterans hospitals.. just to say “Thank you”. Where would we be without their dedication and sacrifice?
Kudos to Harley-Davidson for their efforts! I believe we need to say “Thank you” any day we can. Like Jason, everyday is a day to thank the people who keep us safe. Thanks, Jason! And, thank you to all our military, past and present.

Lady Godiva on wheels…. taking a minute to say, “Thank you”. How about you?


Dorothy’s new outfit and the Monkey I almost got!!

The big moment I have been waiting for….drum roll please!! Here are some pics of Dorothy’s new body pieces getting packed up for shipping. The whole family took a part in it…Jason, Kerry (the newest member of the Hellcat Customs team), and the Monkey (my personal favorite). In fact, I almost got the Monkey in the mail. I could have lived with that…she’s a sweetie. I don’t think Jason could live with it though. That’s his “side kick” (and his sweet little daughter)!! And, his riding partner but, that’s another blog entirely! In fact, I have a couple to do on this crew…all about Kerry Robins, ect. Lots going on here and great stories to tell! But, you will have to wait for that..
Enjoy the pictures… I sure did. Thanx, Jason and “crew”.

Check out the “pink” Brammo logo… Craig Bramscher would have to giggle!! FYI, I am the first woman consumer to purchase a Brammo electric motorcycle. It’s only fitting that I get a little leeway with my custom paint and Jason did the job right!!

Here is how they very sweetly packaged it all up. Jason made sure that the clear coat was dry and seasoned before he would even consider packaging it up. He really goes the extra mile for the customer.

I want a shop like this one!! Nice, Hellcat Customs!!

Don’t forget that Jason was very uncomfortable about sending these pieces since the storm had done some damage to the paint and he wanted to do a COMPLETE re-paint. Artists!! Whats next? A left ear, Vincent?? FYI, Jason…you are so much cuter than Mr. Van Gogh but you still wont look good with one ear!

And, look what I almost got in the mail with my bike pieces..

Darn, Miss Monkey! We were so close!! LOL

So, later this morning I am going to the FedEx store in Lake Oswego, to pick up the outstandingly beautiful pieces to what used to be my electric motorcycle by Brammo, Inc. but, is now a going to be transformed into a work of art!! My heart is so happy to have a genuine original done by a true artist. Jason Sarratt is just such an artist. Dorothy should be in a museum…. after I’m dead, please!! LOL
Stay tuned and I will have more to say…………………

Lady Godiva on wheels, off to FedEx to pick up my works of art!!