Posts Tagged ‘motorcycles


Its Springtime…. garden anyone??…

Believe it or not, it is Spring!! Although its also riding time, I am a gardener at heart. Looking for some great ideas? Try Pinterest. Here is the first idea I put on my Pinterest page.. There are so many great ideas out there that you can spend hours reading and planning.
While you are at it, think about getting that bike in order. Here is a great article by the AMA that will certainly help…

Now that Spring has sprung, get out there and get busy because we have waited months to get here, dont waste any time!

Lady Godiva on wheels…. needing to get dirty!!


Did someone say Spring…..

According to the internet: Spring began with the vernal equinox at 7:02 A.M. (EDT) on March 20, 2013 in the Northern Hemisphere. However, someone forgot to send Old Man Winter the memo. I saw a post on Facebook that said, “I think its time for Old Man Winter to get Mother Nature drunk and have some fun making Spring”. I promise to provide the alcohol!! Anything they want!
But, smile… it is coming so get that bike in shape and get ready to ride!!

Lady Godiva on wheels… loosing patience with that darn Old Man Winter!!


What makes “Clutch” tick..

“Clutch” is my two-year old grandson. Recently I have considered re-naming him “Crash” since he has mastered the wheelie and the stoppie and is now perfecting laying down his bike and announcing in a loud voice, “Crash!!”. Then he rolls around on the ground for a while and then picks up his bike and starts all over. He has figured out that he can slide his back wheel around the corners, pull it upright and slide into the position to lay his bike down with a perfect tuck and roll! It just may be a skill that serves him well since he will be on a motorcycle before he’s five years old, I’m sure. We are a motorcycle family so it’s a given!
Now that his head has grown big enough, he got his first big boy helmet, complete with the Fox sticker, of course. So, how does Clutch watch his morning cartoons…. with his helmet on, naturally! The only way I could get it off his head was to promise him he could read his motorcycle magazine and eat raisins. Alas, the hair was your A-typical “helmet head” hairdo for a good portion of the day!! Not that he cared because he could sit ,content and play with his motorcycle apps on his iPad which is very hard to do with the helmet on, as he discovered! These are the things that make “Clutch” tick! Motorcycles, motorcycle tricks on his bike, helmets, motorcycle magazines, and motorcycle apps on his iPad. Starting to see a pattern? Me, too…..

Lady Godiva on wheels… playin with our smallest member of the Motorcycle Travel family and my little sweetie, “Clutch”. Now this is living!!


A Quote from the blog of Dwain DeVille, the biker guy…

Smart people use quotes that come from the best.  Motorcycle Travel’s friend, Dwaine DeVille, is just one of those considerably smart individuals; using a quote from the great John Wooden, legendary coach that led the UCLA Bruins to seven consecutive NCAA championships, he shows just how smart…how true this one is: 

“Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who’ll argue with you,”.

Read about the great John Wooden and his many quotes! Food for thought, every one.
Find Dwain on Facebook to see all the great things he’s up to…

Lady Godiva on wheels, spreading the word but experiencing technical difficulties adding links. Had to do it “old school”, baby!!


The amazing Hellcat Customs’ Jason Sarratt and his design…

For just a little teaser… here are a couple of pictures that show the progress of my new Sporty’s front end.

 To quote Jason’s comment to the picture he sent me, “Front end of a Nascar or Judy’s bike”. I hope that will be a good explanation… ” But officer, its made from a Nascar. I can’t be held responsible!”

Me on this bike… God help us all!

  To quote Jason, ” This is a joint, this and raw tubing is all we started with. The suspension in the picture is all hand-made with the exception of these joints”. I asked Jason if it would lean. He said, “Hell yeah, that is what it’s designed to do. Once you lean, it returns to straight up center”.

Well, talk about making this old girl happy! Motorcycle Travel’s first official vehicle. I think we have arrived and I have Hellcat Customs to thank for it, again. If you’re thinking about a bike and want something different, Jason is your builder. Find him on Twitter @HellcatCustoms. Or at his website at Hellcat Customs.

Stay tuned, there is much more to come…
Lady Godiva on wheels…. so excited!!


Women, you should consider riding…and here’s a ANOTHER reason why..

There are many “battle of the sexes” points of view out there but, ALL pale in comparison to the new book “Man Down” written by a man, Dan Abrams, a television host, legal commentator,and web entrepreneur who publishes five websites and is the CEO of the digital media strategy firm Abrams Research. He makes some interesting points based on clinical”Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt”.
The claims in the book indicate that “Women Are Better Cops, Drivers, Gamblers, Spies, World Leaders, Beer Tasters, Hedge Fund Managers, and Just About Everything Else.” Minus being better athletes, men are at a defecate. Although they are better athletes as a whole, women are better for long distance endurance athletics because of the fat content in the female body! Can I get an “amen”, ladies??
This book is out and available for Mothers Day. Appropriate!! Dont think a man will purchase this for you unless he is VERY secure with his manhood so go out and get your own copy. Check out the video and details on GMA and decide for yourself. Education is everything, ladies, and this will certainly give you the ammo needed to shut that guy up who thinks his macho attitude is a right of passage due to superiority. That goes for riding a motorcycle, as well.
If you have ever considered riding a motorcycle, this will drive the reason to do so right home! “Man Down” is a book for all women to read and I can’t advocate it enough. If for no other reason, just to boost your own self-worth. It can help with that employer that will be doing your review, the “man in your life” that likes to puff up his chest, and any other male that needs a dose of reality. Give a look….. and consider a nice Mothers Day gift for one of the younger females in your life.
We all need ammo……..not for revenge, but for evening the playing field. I love men and believe we need each other. This kind of book allows the respect to go both ways and to be placed where it belongs. Women are a miracle both in our incredible bodies and our remarkable minds. Men are fantastic as the protector and the muscle and can provide protection and care and much, much more. One is no good without the other… one more superior in one way simply compliments the superiority of the other. This book just brings to light that we all have our “things”. May I repeat, education is everything!!    

Lady Godiva on wheels….. stocking up on ammo! Look out boys!


Loosing a legend, Jane Russel….

I recently heard the news that the star of Hollywood movie fame, Jane Russel had passed away on February 28th at age 89 from respiratory failure. It tends to remind me of my age since I watched all her movies, some in black and white! No, there was no color T.V. back then, shocking as it may seem.

I don’t know how many of you remember the “Billy Jack” movies…. I was a huge fan at age 11…. and this one was the first.  Jane Russel was one of the stars of the movie and an actress that I was familiar with from her numerous other movies. She was wonderful to watch. She was wonderful in this movie, as well, although it was towards the end of her film career.
According to Wikipedia……..

Born Losers is a 1967 action film and the first of the Billy Jack movies. The film introduced Tom Laughlin as the half Indian Green Beret Vietnam veteran Billy Jack. Since 1954 Laughlin had been trying to produce his Billy Jack script about discrimination toward American Indians. In 1967 he decided to introduce the Billy Jack character in a quickly written script designed to capitalize on the then-popular trend in motorcycle gang movies. The story was based on a real incident from 1964 where members of the Hells Angels were arrested for raping two teenage girls in Monterey, California.

Jane Russel was a woman who managed to be part of Hollywood and yet she kept her private life out of the tabloids. She made some “great” movies, some big and some small (24 between 1943 and 1970) . In 1955 she founded the World Adoption International Fund (WAIF) because she was an adoptive mother herself and found the process long and difficult.  She was a talented dancer and singer.  She was a christian, a conservative, and right-winged. She is also the reason we have the “Wonder Bra” today!! She was a favorite pin-up for GI’s and…one more thing, she rode motorcycles.

I was reminded of her picture in one of my favorite books, “THE AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE GIRLS” by Cristine Sommers Simmons, wife of Doobie Brothers member, Patrick Simmons. This is by far one of my favorite books and the one that led me to research Dorothy Robinson which led to my fantastic pink bike with her portrait on it.
Here is the picture of the lovely Ms Russel on her 1948 Indian…

Lady Godiva on wheels…. saying “Goodbye” to a legend and a fellow woman rider. RIP Jane…


All I wanna do is ride..cant a girl get a little ride around here??

Well, as I said in a previous post, I’m pretty pissed at the stupid groundhog. All I want to do is grab my bike and take a ride. A ride around the town, around the corner, around the yard, around anything!! Wanting to do something and being able to do something are two different things! The snow and bad weather just wont go away and we are all getting a little tired of it. At this point I am thinking about loading my Harley on my trailer and driving south until I can find some decent weather. I realize I will need to brush up on my spanish….heavy sigh and a pouty face.
I have been having a few days that have made me feel a little out of sorts and having no possibility at “two-wheeled therapy”, I was feeling pretty bleak! And then today…. I came home and got the mail. When I opened that mail box and saw that beautiful sight… well, lets just say that I was feeling high! It felt like I was floating as I stepped into the house and onto the couch………… 
 with my IronWorks Magazine!
This day is looking up.

Laura Klock..this is great! I wanna be her..
I’m feeling better already.

and Marilyn Bragg has an article?? 
Does it get any better than this?

I might just make it until the weather changes after all. Thank you, IronWorks Magazine. You aren’t as good as my “two-wheeled therapy” but, you do make me happy!

Lady Godiva on wheels….with a glass of wine and my IronWorks magazine. Sweet, Im gunna make it after all! (Mary Tyler Moore would be proud!)…spuishy faced smile.


Motorcycle Travel goes to the International Motorcycle Show in NYC…

I had an awesome opportunity to be a part of the International Motorcycle Show in New York City with my buddy, the author of “Chicks on Bikes”, Christina Shook.  Knowing this woman has opened my eyes to exactly what it means to put yourself out there and “just do it”.  And so, that’s exactly what I did.  I spent three days in a booth at the show and literally talked for 32 hours about the new website my family just launched, Motorcycle Travel  Yup… talked my little self into a sore throat and no voice by Sunday night. 
I only had about an hour to tour the show and enjoy the row after row of beautiful motorcycle…. and drool!  Here are the pictures of what I saw…. enjoy!!

A special thank you goes out to my friend Christina Shook. You may just push me into success and I thank you for it!!

Lady Godiva on wheels…. still drooling over the Indians and the Ducatis!!


Wendyvee’s RoadsideWonder..Another great blog to read…

I have been following this one for some time now. Wenyvee @RoadsideWonders on Twitter, has some of the coolest places to see…strange, interesting, and always out of the ordinary. Looking for something different, this is where you will find it! Read her blog here. You wont be disappointed…. I promise!!

Lady Godiva on wheels… ready to ride to the strange places out there.