Posts Tagged ‘Fox


What makes “Clutch” tick..

“Clutch” is my two-year old grandson. Recently I have considered re-naming him “Crash” since he has mastered the wheelie and the stoppie and is now perfecting laying down his bike and announcing in a loud voice, “Crash!!”. Then he rolls around on the ground for a while and then picks up his bike and starts all over. He has figured out that he can slide his back wheel around the corners, pull it upright and slide into the position to lay his bike down with a perfect tuck and roll! It just may be a skill that serves him well since he will be on a motorcycle before he’s five years old, I’m sure. We are a motorcycle family so it’s a given!
Now that his head has grown big enough, he got his first big boy helmet, complete with the Fox sticker, of course. So, how does Clutch watch his morning cartoons…. with his helmet on, naturally! The only way I could get it off his head was to promise him he could read his motorcycle magazine and eat raisins. Alas, the hair was your A-typical “helmet head” hairdo for a good portion of the day!! Not that he cared because he could sit ,content and play with his motorcycle apps on his iPad which is very hard to do with the helmet on, as he discovered! These are the things that make “Clutch” tick! Motorcycles, motorcycle tricks on his bike, helmets, motorcycle magazines, and motorcycle apps on his iPad. Starting to see a pattern? Me, too…..

Lady Godiva on wheels… playin with our smallest member of the Motorcycle Travel family and my little sweetie, “Clutch”. Now this is living!!