Posts Tagged ‘electric vehicle maintainance


How do you tune up an electric motorcycle?

I can tell you that having an electric motorcycle constitutes far less maintainance than my gas-powered motorcycles have in the past. In fact, the most I do is give Dorothy a nice bubble bath and give her the equivalent of some moisturizer with a little chain lube!  So, if you found out that your field rep was coming out to give your beloved electric motorcycle a tune up, what would you think?  
What I thought and what actually happened were two different things. Dorothy got her tune up on a lap-top…. LOL.  Dave put the laptop on her seat, hooked her up, and waited for the program to load. I guess you could say that she got a program transfusion! Then he did a complete check up to make sure everything worked. She was better than new! 

Dorothy loves “Dr. Murray”!  He takes such good care of her…..

Lady Godiva on wheels……glad the doctor makes house calls!!